Today Gwen is 18 months old! I can't believe it. I did a scrapbook page about Bella when she was this age to remember her cute little 'bella-isms.' I want to do the same for Gwen and I don't think I will be able to get around to do a scrapbook page for Gwen right away....
Gwen does the sign language signs for : (breast)milk,(YES, she is still breastfeeding!) all done, more and drink. (I never did signing with Bella because I didn't know any better and it probably wouldn't have made things any easier with her anyway!).
She is already trying to be so independent~she does not want to sit in the booster seat at the table anymore, she pulls up her pants, feeds herself completely now (has been for a while), wants to wash herself in the tub with soap. I think she wants to be just like Bella and sees her doing all this stuff. Last night, I asked her if she pooped and she walked over to the toilet and wanted her pjs and diaper off and sat on the potty. Of course she did not do anything and peed as soon as she walked away but...hey, I am not complaining. I am crossing my fingers she is easier to potty-train than Bella was.
Gwen can say:
*hi (one of her 1st's)
*move (as in MOVE Cuddles or Minnie!)
*Elmo (one of her favorites)
*Papa (as in my dad)
*Nonna (as in Paul's mom)
*Mama (as in Gramama, my mom)
*she has once said Opa (as in Paul's dad)
*no (another one of her 1st's)
- I know other kids her age are talking more (or less) than her. I am satisfied with whatever she does/says right now. She is learning more each and every day!
Yes, she has my underwear around her neck!